Listen to Stop Listening

Jul 16, 2023    Pastor Nate Sexton

In the book of Jude, nestled within the New Testament, we find a passionate and urgent call to confront false teachers who had infiltrated the early Christian community. This section, verses 11-16, serves as a vivid depiction of the deceptive nature of these individuals and the peril they pose to the faith of believers.

Join us for a thought-provoking sermon as we delve into Jude's powerful words, examining the characteristics and tactics of false teachers that still plague the Church today. We will explore the timeless wisdom embedded in this short but impactful passage, shedding light on the dangers that lie in wait when we fail to discern the truth.

Throughout the sermon, we will uncover various warning signs that can help us identify false teachers in our midst. Together, we will delve into the ways in which they distort God's truth, exploit the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and pervert the power of the Holy Spirit. By understanding their strategies, we can equip ourselves to stand firm in the face of their subtle allurements and safeguard our faith.

Additionally, we will reflect on the responsibility of believers to contend earnestly for the faith, safeguarding the purity of God's Word and preserving the integrity of the Church. Through Jude's exhortation, we will be encouraged to remain vigilant, actively resisting false teachings while extending grace to those who have been deceived.

Ultimately, this sermon aims to empower believers with the knowledge and discernment necessary to navigate the treacherous waters of false teaching. By anchoring ourselves in the unchanging truth of Scripture and relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can protect our faith, fortify the Church, and proclaim the Gospel with boldness and clarity.

Join us as we uncover the timeless message of Jude 11-16, seeking to deepen our understanding of false teachers while igniting a passion for truth, authenticity, and spiritual discernment in our lives and in our congregation. Let us gather together to confront the dangers that lie within, upholding the purity of our faith and glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ.