Thank you for visiting our CrossPointe Student Ministries page! CrossPointe Student Ministry exists to minister to 7th-12th grade students. When you attend a Core Class, a Worship Night, or a Student Ministry Event you can expect to hear the Word of God and to learn more about Jesus. We are deeply rooted in the Gospel, and make it the focal point of all of our meetings. We hope that when you join us that you feel welcome, and that you experience God's love.
-Kellen Robbins
Director of Student Ministries
-Kellen Robbins
Director of Student Ministries

CrossPointe Student Ministries Schedule
Sunday at 11:00am
Sunday morning meetings are a great opportunity to learn how the Bible and life intersect.
Wednesday at 7:00pm
Wednesday nights are a great time of expositional Bible teaching, inspiring worship, and fun activities.
Got Questions?
Life is full of confusion and sometimes you just need answers to difficult questions. We're here to help! Ask any question you want and one of the leaders from CrossPointe Student Ministries will provide the answer from God's Word that you've been searching for. If you want to stay anonymous, leave the name section blank. You can also contact Kellen @(614) 891-1250 Ext: 106