The Ten Commandments Part Two

Mar 27, 2024    Brendan Pratt

The sermon continues the exploration of the Ten Commandments, focusing on the final five, which relate to our interactions with others. The speaker begins by discussing the commandment against murder, clarifying that it not only refers to the physical act but also to harboring hatred or anger. The sermon then addresses adultery, emphasizing the sanctity of marriage and the harm that infidelity causes to oneself, the family, the church, and the nation. The eighth commandment, against stealing, is expanded to include not just physical theft but also stealing time from employers, underpaying employees, and withholding tithes from God. Bearing false witness, the ninth commandment, is presented as a call to be truth-tellers in a world filled with lies. Finally, the sermon examines covetousness, warning against the desire for what others have and advocating for contentment in Christ. The speaker concludes by highlighting the need for a new heart through Christ and the importance of living in accordance with God's laws.