The Keys and the Sword

Jun 21, 2023    Pastor Matt Keller


This video discusses the concepts of Christian nationalism, theonomy, and the relationship between the church and civil government. The speaker emphasizes the need for Christians to influence culture through the proclamation of the gospel rather than relying on government to enforce moral precepts. They highlight the distinction between the authority of the church, which declares what is divinely permitted or forbidden through the preaching of the gospel, and the civil government, which is ordained by God to promote public good and punish wrongdoing. The video encourages Christians to serve the Lord and share the gospel, rather than expecting government to Christianize society.


- Christian nationalism seeks to change culture through religious influence in government, rather than through the proclamation of the gospel.

- Theonomy is the belief that God's laws given to Israel should be applied universally to all people and cultures throughout time.

- The church, not human government, should reflect the image of heavenly life.

- Christians should seek to influence culture but not rely on government to do so.

- The church has the authority to declare what is divinely permitted or forbidden on Earth through the preaching of the gospel.

- Civil authorities are ordained by God to promote public good and punish wrongdoing.

- The church and civil authorities have distinct spheres of authority and do not share their authority with each other.

- Government exists to uphold social order by enforcing God's moral law, but it is not meant to Christianize the culture through force and coercion.

- Only Jesus can fulfill the role of a Christian Prince who governs with justice and righteousness.

- The church has the keys (spiritual authority) while the government has the sword (civil authority), and this is God's design for human flourishing.

- Christians should focus on serving the Lord and not rely on government to enforce moral precepts.

- One's view of eschatology influences their perspective on the role of government.

- Believers should not expect cultural victory in this world, but rather look forward to Christ's return to establish his kingdom.

- The importance of sharing the gospel and taking responsibility for impacting the culture through personal actions.

Detailed Summary:

The video begins with a live performance where the speaker sings a song and expresses gratitude. They introduce the concept of Christian nationalism, which aims to change culture through religious influence in government rather than through the proclamation of the gospel. The speaker clarifies that believers who embrace Christian nationalism still believe in the need for authentic discipleship. They discuss the motivation behind Christian nationalism, which is the belief that God's way is better for society. The speaker mentions the concept of theonomy, which is the belief that God's law should be the universal moral standard of civil law among nations.

The video explores the concepts of theonomy, Christendom, and Christian nationalism. It explains that theonomy involves the application of God's laws given to Israel universally and throughout time. Christendom and Christian nationalism aim to reform culture by applying God's laws through human government. The video highlights the failure of historical attempts to establish these ideologies due to corruption. The speaker questions the idea of a Christian prince having power over the church, citing historical examples of religious persecution. They emphasize that the church, not human government, should reflect the image of heavenly life. The video mentions William Wilberforce as an example of a faithful Christian who worked to abolish slavery through political means.

The video discusses the roles and responsibilities of the church and civil authorities based on biblical teachings. It emphasizes that the church has the authority to declare what is divinely permitted or forbidden on Earth through the preaching of the gospel. The church's authority is derived from God's authoritative word. Civil authorities, on the other hand, are ordained by God to promote public good, defend those who do right, and punish those who do wrong. The video highlights that the church and civil authorities have

 distinct spheres of authority and do not share their authority with each other.

The speaker argues that government exists to uphold social order by enforcing God's moral law but should not aim to Christianize culture through force and coercion. They assert that only Jesus can fulfill the role of a Christian Prince who governs with justice and righteousness. The video encourages Christians to focus on serving the Lord rather than relying on government to enforce moral precepts. The speaker concludes by stating that the church has the keys (spiritual authority) while the government has the sword (civil authority), and this is God's design for human flourishing. They also mention that one's view of eschatology influences their perspective on the role of government, and believers should look forward to Christ's return to establish his kingdom. The video emphasizes the importance of sharing the gospel and taking personal responsibility for impacting culture.