How Can You Have Eternal Life?

Feb 19, 2023    Brendan Pratt

Join us for this powerful message as we dive into Matthew 19:16-30 and explore what it means to have eternal life. In this passage, Jesus encounters a rich young man who asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus' response challenges us to examine our own lives and priorities. What must we do to truly follow Christ and receive the gift of eternal life?

In this sermon, we'll explore the meaning of this passage and how it applies to our lives today. We'll discuss what it means to truly follow Jesus and the sacrifices that may be required. Whether you're a lifelong believer or just beginning to explore the Christian faith, this message is sure to inspire and challenge you.

Join us as we seek to deepen our understanding of what it means to have eternal life and how we can live in a way that honors God. Don't miss this opportunity to grow in your faith and connect with a community of believers.