Bring Honor with Everything

Feb 4, 2024    Pastor Nate Sexton

The sermon begins by connecting the concept of stewardship to all aspects of life, highlighting that everything we are and have is to be managed for God's glory. It sets the stage for a deep dive into the life of a steward.

Understanding Stewardship: The sermon defines stewardship as managing something that doesn't belong to us, emphasizing that our ultimate goal is to honor God with all He has entrusted to us, including our lives, faith, and resources.

Life as a Steward: It discusses the importance of presenting ourselves as living sacrifices to God, pointing out that the quality of our sacrifice reflects our devotion. Romans 12:1 is cited to encourage living a life pleasing to God.

Faith Stewardship: The sermon warns against spiritual adultery, using the Israelites' history of marrying outside their faith as an analogy. It calls for guarding the faith given by God and warns against being influenced by worldly desires, referencing James 4:4-6.

Resource Stewardship: It addresses the misuse of resources, specifically the failure to give wholeheartedly to God. The preacher highlights the importance of giving joyfully and faithfully, as modeled by the churches of Macedonia in 2 Corinthians 8.

Focus Stewardship: The sermon concludes by discussing the importance of having the right focus and attitude. It encourages believers to concentrate on serving God and not to be envious of the world's seeming prosperity, drawing inspiration from the attitude and teachings of Jesus to Peter.