The Truth About The Tongue

Oct 15, 2023    Pastor Matt Keller

Have you ever considered the tremendous influence your words carry? The power of the tongue is an intriguing topic we dive into in this sermon. Let's explore together with the guidance of James 3, revealing how our words reflect our faith and spiritual condition. Our tongue, though small, can bless, curse, build up, or tear down. A tongue under control is a sign of genuine faith and spiritual maturity. 

Turning to James 3, we delve deeper into the responsibilities of those entrusted with preaching and teaching in the church. Held to a higher standard, the words they utter bear even more weight. Harnessing the power of the tongue is a daunting task we can't accomplish alone. Recognizing our shortcomings, we find hope and help in God to control our tongues, reflect Him accurately, and demonstrate true faith in our daily lives. 

As we progress, we challenge ourselves to reconsider the implications of the power of our words and its correlation with faith. Our tongues, with the ability to bless God one moment and curse others the next, need the cleansing power of salvation through Jesus Christ. Join us as we reflect on the importance of consistent speech, the necessity of heart transformation by God, and the significance of placing our faith solely in Christ. Trust us; you don't want to miss this stirring conversation!