Psalm 19

Since I was a child I have had a love for nature. In the summer, I would enjoy climbing trees, laying in the grass and watch the clouds float by, swimming in Lake Huron with my day, and trying to catch butterflies in a field near my house. Because of this love, my plan was to become a marine biologist after college. When I became a believer in high school, observing nature took on a new purpose, to praise the Lord for all He made and to see His majesty in all that surrounded me.
Psalm 19 communicates while we can observe the glory of the Lord displayed in creation, we also need His Word so that we may know who He is and what He has done for us. And knowing this requires an appropriate response.
Psalm 19 communicates while we can observe the glory of the Lord displayed in creation, we also need His Word so that we may know who He is and what He has done for us. And knowing this requires an appropriate response.
David writes, "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; Their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their utterances to the end of the world. In them He has placed a tent for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; It rejoices as a strong man to run his course. Its rising is from one end of the heavens, And its circuit to the other end of them; And there is nothing hidden from its heat." (vv.1-6)
David points out that the heavens, which includes the sun, the stars, and the moon, tell of God's glory. They were created by His divine hands and unlimited power. This knowledge is continually displayed and declared day and night through the brilliance of the sun and the illumination of the stars and moon at night. It is evident to all. Their "utterances" are to the "end of the world". Everyone is able to see and know there is a Creator. No words are needed and there is no language barrier to the truth of God's existence. As it says in Romans 1, man is without excuse. David speaks of the sun rising in all its brilliance to shine on all and testify to its Creator. Calling all to look at the heavens and give praise to God.
But in spite of this universal declaration of God and His glory, we need more than general revelation. General revelation is limited in that it tells us we have a Creator but it doesn't tell us who that Creator is, what He is like, who we really are in the light of who He is, or our need for reconciliation.
But in spite of this universal declaration of God and His glory, we need more than general revelation. General revelation is limited in that it tells us we have a Creator but it doesn't tell us who that Creator is, what He is like, who we really are in the light of who He is, or our need for reconciliation.
"The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether." (vv.7-9)
David changes from calling God "El", the name used when speaking of His great power in v.1 to using Jehovah, God's covenant name first revealed to Moses at the burning bush. He is not only a God of creation but also a God of revelation. David describes God's Word as "the law", "the testimony", "the precepts", "the commandments", "the fear" and "the judgement". He then explains what it does.
"The law" is God's instruction or teaching. It is perfect and contains no contradiction needing correction. God's law gives life to the human soul. "His testimony", or written Word, is a reliable witness to the truth of who He is and makes us wise to salvation. "His precepts", or moral commandments, are correct and bring joy to our hearts when we obey them. "His commandments" are always holy and they show us how to live in a way that pleases God. When we have an attitude of humility when receiving God's Word, we "fear", or give proper reverence to the Lord and His Word. It also produces spiritual maturity in us that endures and continues to grow. Lastly, "His judgements" are always correct and never unjust.
"The law" is God's instruction or teaching. It is perfect and contains no contradiction needing correction. God's law gives life to the human soul. "His testimony", or written Word, is a reliable witness to the truth of who He is and makes us wise to salvation. "His precepts", or moral commandments, are correct and bring joy to our hearts when we obey them. "His commandments" are always holy and they show us how to live in a way that pleases God. When we have an attitude of humility when receiving God's Word, we "fear", or give proper reverence to the Lord and His Word. It also produces spiritual maturity in us that endures and continues to grow. Lastly, "His judgements" are always correct and never unjust.
David ends his psalm with how we are to respond. "They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; In keeping them there is great reward. Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults. Also keep back Your servant from presumptuous sins; Let them not rule over me; Then I will be blameless, And I shall be acquitted of great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart. Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer." (vv.10-14)
David sums up by describing God's Word as most valuable and highly satisfying. Knowing God is our highest pursuit and that comes through knowing Him through the scriptures. As I read these verses, I must examine myself. Do I see God's Word the way David sees it? Do I see it as more precious than gold? Do I see it as "sweet" and fully satisfying? Do I pursue the Lord through His Word or do I skip "feeding on God's Word" for lesser pursuits?"
We clearly see there is great reward in keeping God's Word but there is also a warning to the one who doesn't. We don't always see our sin and its destructive ability. Scripture reveals our hearts and helps us see sin in our lives. David asks God to keep him from sins he didn't even realize he was committing and from intentional sins, knowing it enslaves and has the ability to rule him, leading to more sin in his life. His desire is to walk blamelessly in God's sight. This should be our desire also. As we find delight and satisfaction in God's Word, we will seek to mediate on it, hide it in our hearts, and share His truth with others. When we do these things the Holy Spirit will produce godliness in us for the Lord's glory. We will rest in Him as our Rock and Redeemer.
We clearly see there is great reward in keeping God's Word but there is also a warning to the one who doesn't. We don't always see our sin and its destructive ability. Scripture reveals our hearts and helps us see sin in our lives. David asks God to keep him from sins he didn't even realize he was committing and from intentional sins, knowing it enslaves and has the ability to rule him, leading to more sin in his life. His desire is to walk blamelessly in God's sight. This should be our desire also. As we find delight and satisfaction in God's Word, we will seek to mediate on it, hide it in our hearts, and share His truth with others. When we do these things the Holy Spirit will produce godliness in us for the Lord's glory. We will rest in Him as our Rock and Redeemer.