What is Your Opus Gloria?

Jul 19, 2023    Jared McKinney

Are you living your life on purpose, or are you drifting through, guided only by your own desires and passions? What if your life was meant to be a 'Glorious Work' - an 'Opus Gloria'? We invite you to join us as we journey through this compelling concept. Inspired by the apostles' dedication and Ephesians 2:8-10, we explore the profound difference between belief 'that' and belief 'in' Jesus Christ. This episode encourages a deeper reflection on how your life's mission can glorify God through your actions, your gifts, and your obedience.

Ever wondered about the unique calling God has for you? It's not always clear cut, and sometimes it may seem murky, caught between our own passions and his divine purpose. We'll navigate those blurred lines and dive into how our very existence is a testament to God's 'Opus Gloria'. You'll learn how living out God's will - much like Jesus did through the great commission and the Lord's prayer - can be the most fulfilling path.

As we round up, we challenge you to not just recognize your gifts, but to rely on the Holy Spirit as you live out your 'Opus Gloria'. We'll address the essential need for obedience, humility, and mentorship in fulfilling your God-given life purpose. Together, we'll confront the specter of doubt, and explore strategies to understand God's character, overcome guilt, accept His grace, and express gratitude. Remember, your abilities are not only for you, but to honor God, and fulfilling His will is the ultimate 'Opus Gloria'.