The Master of Your Heart: Lessons from Matthew 6:19-24

Jul 26, 2023    Josh Peoples

What is it that truly holds your heart? Earthly possessions or treasures of the Kingdom of God? Today, we unpack the powerful teachings of Jesus from His Sermon on the Mount, challenging our devotion and leading us to introspection. We attempt to understand the true meaning of storing up treasures in heaven, and how it stands in stark contrast to chasing worldly possessions. This episode is a deep examination of our value systems, shining a light on the space where our hearts truly belong.

The religious leaders during Jesus's time clung to their religion, without letting it transform their hearts - a mindset not entirely different from our own culture's attachment to material possessions. However, the message of Jesus isn't a call for poverty, but an invitation to make spiritual investments. As we explore this concept, we discover the joy of generously sharing our time, energy, and possessions with the church and those around us. This episode is an exploration of our attachments, making us question whether we are hoarding or making heavenly investments.

Can we serve two masters? Is it possible to juggle earthly and heavenly treasures, oscillate between light and darkness, or be a slave to both sin and Christ? Jesus's teachings lead us to deep reflection on our loyalties. This episode concludes with an examination of our devotion and surrender, prompting us to evaluate our lives through the lens of Jesus's teachings. By the end of this episode, we hope to inspire you to live a life of service to God and treasure the eternal over the temporal.